late night hornt """problems"""
Me: I'll just make a character She's curvy and soft and a quady cutie. Wholesome.
Me, 5 minutes later: she vore, she plush suit, she beeg sheef plz nuzzle. WHOLESOME.
re: late night hornt """problems"""
@Draekos Holesome
re: late night hornt """problems"""
@Draekos Weren't*?
re: late night hornt """problems"""
@Draekos okay look I like the sound of this character, please do elaborate
re: late night hornt """problems""", plural
@Draekos ... You find that instability arousing, much less the implied lack of control and clearly hanging leash to tug and put a mask on a blank face?
late night hornt """problems"""
re: late night hornt """problems"""
oh no I think I just accidentallied into her being for ctf too. Oh no.