status of my day: ( - mh)
stream, very short.
hand shaking again. It's been a while since that stress reaction's been a thing.
re: status of my day: ( - mh)
@Draekos Can I offer a hug? I don't know what I can do for you from here, but I'm here for you if you need anything.
re: status of my day: ( - mh)
@Rosemary Some food and watching my bird take a bath helped a lot. But thank you for the offer! *Hugs*
re: status of my day: ( - mh)
@Draekos *hugs back* I'm glad you're feeling better.
re: status of my day: ( + mh I guess)
but hey, I got the fucking bathroom scrubbed in ways I dunno if it's been touched for months.
Gods that was disgusting but I got through it without much more problem than sweating.