fresh pierching selfie
my only regret is that now I need to sit around with a headset playing a VULCAN while awash with adrenaline and vague hornt <_<
fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos Looking good, Kos ^^
fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos 💯 Industrials are good piercings, I'm glad to see you giving it a shot again
re: fresh pierching selfie
@IrisKalmia they actually used the bottom hole off the botched attempt. Seems the peircer got that side fine! Just needed to break the skin again.
re: fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos nice, I'm glad it just needed a bit of recovery time
fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos oh my gosh, aesthetic.
also, ur qt.
re: fresh pierching selfie
re: fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos @tastymochafox Ve is correct, you know. You are cute, and the piercing looks great.
re: fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos That looks super good! Congrats on the new metal!
fresh pierching selfie
@Draekos industrials are soooo good.