you ever be like:
I don't know what pornouns this character goes by.
"Ask the creator" seems like the clear responce but that's me.
I don't know Lissette's pronouns? Are they a they/she or do I dare actually use shi?
@Draekos In general, we just go with what feels right
which has meant some characters changing pronouns over time, but that's okay. People change pronouns sometimes.
@Draekos They're a good giant ebil labdog
@Draekos I've always kinda kinda liked shi/hir, honestly, at least for characters in a setting where it makes sense.
They were "normal" to me for ages before I heard some people didn't care for them ^^;
@Firefeet same, I just... I dunno, they feel a little awkward now?
they it is. They've spoken <_<