"lesbian" and current queer culture (asking about)
@Draekos caveats: I'm not a lesbian (though that is partly because I have partners who would feel misgendered by me identifying as such so it's one of those "I refuse to think about it too hard" things as much as anything) but I have some stuff I've learned and listened to and would like to try to answer at least some of this
re: "lesbian" and current queer culture (asking about)
@AzureHusky ohshit, I completely didn't think about that sort of angle. No that makes a lot of sense!
Guess I just have some hesitance from history of cishet dudes saying shit like "I'm a lesbian in a dude's body" in a completely non-trans intention :/
re: "lesbian" and current queer culture (asking about)
@Draekos Yeah absolutely there are some cis men who are gross and talk about things in bad faith and that is one way it happens. I also wonder how many of those guys might actually be trying to signal gender feelings that they don't know how to discuss too, I dunno. But i don't think doing gatekeeping would stop the shitty ones either way