@Austin_Dern I started my outward transition stuff in 2003, so maybe a con around or soon after that time? Thing is, I've been doing at least some sort of genderplay since first online in 1995, and I'm pretty sure we knew each other from sometime in that gap. The question is, did we know each other via Usenet, FurryMUCK, or maybe the Transformation Story Archive? Probably not IRC....
Wow, I was active back then, eh?
@ElectricKeet Oh, that's tracking then, yeah. Certainly knew each other on FurryMuck/Furtoonia in the 90s, SpinDizzy/LiveJournal in the 2000s, and a blur of alt.fan.furry in the late 90s/early 2000s.
... I'm amazed to go back and look at how much time I spent actually talking with people back then. I've reached the point I can't bear to answer blog comments even when it's easy to do.