Let's have all the James Bond film titles that didn't make the cut. My opening bid:
007: Succeed or Die Spying
@ElectricKeet 007: BYOS (Bring Your Own Spy)
@ElectricKeet 007: Sugar and Spies
@ElectricKeet 007: Flat Fuck Spy Day
@ElectricKeet Alt: 007: Spy Day I'm In Love
@Aradia @ElectricKeet Don't forget the cookbook that fell victim to Standards & Practices despite being inspired by a Bond film, 007: We All Scream For Spy's Cream.
@ElectricKeet 007: Hot Cherry Spy
@ElectricKeet 007: Spy Hard
@ElectricKeet 007: Spy Me To The Moon
007: Spy Me a River