As heard on mid-day AM radio (madness ahead)
So my drive home from the grocery store is like.... 10 minutes. With radio instead of my music (new phone shows up late today or tomorrow) In this time I have heard:
-All cellphone companies put large ammounts of money into supporting "progressive gun nabber liberals". You should go with [some company with Patriot in it's name].
-"It's such a shame people go to places of worship because it's family tradition. I know this one family who goes to one that an ancestor founded, even though it has become liberal they no longer teach the lord's true words."
-Tuning into the end of A stating emphatically that Regan was an alien...
A:"...And they had this one place in aread 51, I kid you not there were 3 flying saucers in there, pilot sits on up in the middle of em (goes on for a while)"
B: "So you saw the stealth bomber?"
A:"I've said all I can say, I can't say anything, you're not getting anything out of me."