@Felthry I got into a problem in that where I accidentally, without realising I needed them, used up the Dr Light spirit (which grants Zap Floor immunity) before I got to this final stage in one area, which has nothing but a zap floor, so the stage is impossible, because you can't ever fight and just continually take damage. So now I have to find him again D:
@Nine "used up"? you can't use them up
@Nine just go at it without any particular goal in mind and eventually you'll get it
@Nine also those are always possible to get past without the immunity too, just stay on the platforms and not the floor
@Felthry ah, this particular stage has no paltforms. just the floor that's all zappy. plus a hyper strong giant pikachu that is constantly ready to wreck me. D:
@Felthry yeeep. none of them have come up yet and I am having trouble figuring out which ones they are. ;w;
I know DR Light is one, there's also Phosphor or something? and another one but I can't remember it