heck, i really want to get one of those art-in-the-book commissions that are part of the eumorphia crowdfunding campaign
but. money ;;
@Felthry It's so weird the world I live in, where I read this and think "Another multibodied ottertaur mechanic? That's so basic. I see that all the time."
I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I have definately seen a lot of otters in postfurry stuff, mechanics in particular, and mutibody isn't a far stretch! XD
@Felthry same tbh. i backed at the early bird digital tier but if i wasn't broke af rn i would have jumped on that moult commission slot
@patchwork i'd love to get one from rickgriffin but it looks like all their slots are taken anyway
@patchwork aaa now i'm realizing they're limited slots and getting severe FOMO
@Felthry yaaaaa FOMO is always bad vibes
@patchwork the dragnheart is appreciated
@patchwork we ended up pledging the cost for art by xinjinmeng (who is also an artist we admire) and will be trying to save some money this month before it's charged
also, Talking To People We Don't Know
but the idea of getting our multibodied ottertaur mechanic character concept into the game is just, good