@MindmeshLink it *is* possible (but by no means guaranteed) to be allergic to the raw form of certain foods and not the cooked form, maybe they heard that fact and got confused?
@Felthry which. like. i am screaming and rolling over as i pray this person doesn't get Five Guys fries (which are cooked in peanut oil) for someone with a peanut allergy based on this logic 💀
@MindmeshLink oh, is that why five guys is like the only place that cooks their fries that way? we'd wondered because they're *very* good fries, but didn't realize it was peanut oil they were using (we would, of course, have checked if we had to consider allergies, but no one we know offline is allergic to peanuts)
@Felthry yep! they're delicious but i never order anything from there when my gf is over for this reason lol
@MindmeshLink @Felthry oh *no*
@Felthry yeah probablyyy it's just, the implication in their statement is that all forms of cooking always destroy the allergen bits of a food, and they argued the reason peanuts are still a risk even if you cook them is "because of the hard shell"