guys.. its... it's not Lain, it's just @TipsyTentacle@witches.town shitposting.
(art source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62697771 )
@Draekos @TipsyTentacle@witches.town Is this what that thing I asked about was about? (I don't know what Lain is so I don't know if that's what you're referring to here)
@Felthry @TipsyTentacle@witches.town It's the thing yeah, it's an edited version of Tipsy's icon.
Serial Experiments Lain. A anime about a girl who gets a computer and things get glitchy. It's..... an experience.
@Draekos @TipsyTentacle@witches.town Okay. Sorry, just. That was exceptionally off-putting and unsettling without any context and I wanted to know what the context was.