(-) Venting, bereavement, subtoot
Just how much have you really changed from your gamergater days, Sola? I remembered when you told me about how you crashed and burned back then, and decided to start over as Vedia.
I wonder if any of the changes you made to your beliefs and outlook in life are genuine or just a set of aesthetics you've adopted in order to gain the kind of popularity and influence you've never had before. I certainly noticed that after your recent scrap with the Seattle postfurry cult, the thing you were most hurt by was not the cycle of abuse perpetuated by them, but how much your reputation was damaged by them.
This recent series of actions you're taking seems to mirror that of what happened years ago.
re: (-) Venting, bereavement, subtoot
So yes, keep tearing down our struggles and accomplishments, reducing us to mere thralls, conveniently forgetting how much we bled for you, how much we got better for your sake, while you make public displays calling yourself the victim and us your tormentors.
You're doing a great job of showing the world just how much of a fake you really are.