Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

Ashlynn: So this is it, this was what I looked like when I first emerged. A bit of past life regression via art.

Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@FreyaManibrandr xey're really good, h

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@astra Why thank you :3

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@FreyaManibrandr immediately after posting that, my brain cursed me with this thought

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@astra Oh my god yes that is actly what our system was doing when that sketch was being done.

Basically trying to remember who we were, but with a much more clearer perspective, and also going "I was cool in this way too!"

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@FreyaManibrandr that's been our mood a lot lately and i am absolutely livid at our may-june 2022 selves currently

not that we even knew we were a thing back then, but i can still be angy

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@astra I have a lot of things to say to my past self. Particularly that I needed to stop hating myself, and that I am fine who I was back then.

And that I am worthy, even if I am no longer a thane to a vulnerable headmate.

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@astra Ashlynn: I emerged because Ricardo was suffering, and he wasn't able to bring himself to fight back, not even in self defense.

When i started to re-emerge, I immediately latched on to keeping Valfreyja safe.

re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@FreyaManibrandr oomf. glad you're here now <3


re: Furry Art, EC, Plurality 

@astra Me too. I am enjoying existence now, being my succubun xembo self. <3

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