Does anyone know anything about like DACs and headphone amps?
@Chel just wondering what I'd need to push like good lossless audio from a laptop to some HD650 cans
right now all I have is a denon amp connected to a turntable - so I cant do digital music ;)
@Fuego I've heard good things about Monoprice's DACs when paired with HD650s, for what it's worth. Both the stand alone DACs and the DAC/amp hybrids they offer, iirc.
the cost/quality ratio is pretty good from what I've read
(I use a LittleDot MkIII amp paired with some AKG k702s that I've done more home repairs on over the years than I'd care to admit)
@Fuego I use a tube amp and have read a lot about DACs but havent gotten around to buying one, so a little bit. :o
what's up?