Telegram (-)
Despite not giving it contacts access, Telegram has clearly found some way to interact with phone contacts from other services — presumably scraping metadata from iOS itself.
Because of this, Telegram is now uninstalled from my phone until I can figure out what they changed. Be wary that you may experience the same issue.
re: Telegram (-), data aggregation by corporate messenger apps
This continues a running theme of corporate platforms stapling my accounts together through their ads and data collection integrations instead of account setup. Google+ did the same thing to me by advertising my personal profile as "people you might know" to my family.
It would be really cool if the invasive push to advertise everywhere didn't also out people's private lives to family that may take hostile action against us, thanks.
re: Telegram (-), data aggregation by corporate messenger apps
I think what I’m going to do for now is keep Telegram desktop available, since contact metadata is not available there. I’m going to also set Telegram back up on a burner Android device.
If contacts from personal numbers keep coming in, I’m going to possibly recreate my account.
Are there good instructions on what to look for/how to restrict or remove Telegram metadata from an account? It seems my number is still associated to the one I set up properly, though it's possible they scraped my device number or Google Voice number from metadata.
re: Telegram (-), data aggregation by corporate messenger apps
Also, gaming this out, I don't _think_ I've ever given the application access to the phone's number or call history (which is a separate permission in iOS). But I imagine it can get this from metadata pretty easily.
I just reinstalled the app from cloud backup briefly to read its permissions: Siri and Search, Background App Refresh, Cellular Data. No contacts permission or permission to read handset info.
So what do? I don't want to be alarmist here, but I'd really like Telegram to not be blasting my info to contacts it shouldn't have.
re: Telegram (-), data aggregation by corporate messenger apps
Also, the clue this isn’t coming in via search on my profile is it manifested both times as an automatic contact creation, which only happens when Telegram thinks you already know a person (ie, via mutual contact list inclusion).
Desktop app contacts listed just the two and folks I manually added in the app.
So that doesn’t look like my contacts being scraped directly by the app? More my CDMA/GV number in others’ contacts?