Given most alphabets are derived from phonetic pronunciation, which differ between languages (eg, æ is used in Danish, diacritics are used for different pronunciations)...
... what would a dragon have on their keyboard?
@Goldkin I bet it ties back to the historical evidence that pictographs tend to be the original forms of language, and dragons are said to be primordial elder things with access to more ancient forms of knowledge and power?
A smattering of vowels plus r, h, w, l, and various tonal diacritics for them.
Given that the sounds we make are fundamentally, physiologically different from the ones humans make... hard to say?
I reckon we tend to have syrinxes, like birds, affording us a whole host of chirps and whistles. As well as hisses and rumbles and roars.
@Goldkin in many canons dragons are said to be masters of runic languages or similar symbology.