Been playing a new game past couple nights! Satisfactory! It's like a 3D Factorio! After watching Let's Game It Out play the game in ways it was never meant to be played ( the playlist is backwards; the first video is at the bottom) I knew I had to try it out at least. I haven't gotten far, but I did at least manage to get basic mining and fabricating started! Mined a shitload of iron, too.
Some of the things I like about the game is I can build vertically, unlike with the 2D limitations of Factorio (which I do need to get back to at some point) and there's pettable lizard dogs! There's also multiplayer support which might be fun to do at some point. It's an early release game though, so still things that need to be done, but it's still very playable and is being updated fairly regularly it seems!