PH (-)
Going to find out what's wrong with my ankle this weekend. Have suspicions, but can't really treat properly if I don't know for sure what's wrong. All I know is taking off my boot at the end of the day feels like the whole damn foot is coming with it, and WOW that's a literal pain. Can put pressure on the foot, but if I bend or twist it the wrong way, it fucking hurts with an intensity I haven't felt since I cracked my wrist. Same with the knee on the same leg, but not as often. Pretty sure nothing's cracked or broken bone wise, but it sure as hell wouldn't surprise me if a tendon or ligament was stressed/torn
re: PH (-)
Scratch that, going in tomorrow; urgent care near me is open at 7, giving me an hour to get it checked out before I have to start making my way towards work.