So what is a Momentrabbit, when it's not a part of something else?
Tired. Chronic depression and a variety of soft-tissue breakdowns take a lot out of me.
Helpful. As much as possible, anyhow. Historically prone to overcommitting and underperforming: working on reversing those affixes.
Witty? Sometimes. Unable to resist a pun? Certainly.
Artist who can't hold a pen any more. Teaching myself Blender in retaliation.
Inveterate tinkerer. Maker of things, user of tools, bodger.
Queer rabbit.
@Momentrabbit hey, you're a good bunny in my book. 🐰💙💚🐰
@KoBunny There is nothing wrong, and many things that are wonderful, about being a bunny. n.n 💜