zebra-handling; 12Fold; legend of five rings(?!?)
@mawr @JulieSqveakaroo @KoBunny Dammit, mawr, I have to ✨work✨ today! If I end up spending the next eight hours researching whether the medieval Japanese had anything resembling plushies, I hope you know it's ✨your✨ fault. ;D <3
(I assume not, but the Rokugani are a whole alternate universe, so it doesn't necessarily matter. I do like to think, now that you mention it, that Akodo Toturi still sleeps with a little samurai lion plushie. ^__^ )
zebra-handling; 12Fold; legend of five rings(?!?)
@mawr @JulieSqveakaroo @zebratron2084 Mawrplushes are totally Wolf Legion. They are a comfy form of siege equipment in the form of Mawbusplushes. They can scale walls easily and their tear and puncture resistant felt exterior renders them immune to most forms of conventional weaponry. *sage nod*
zebra-handling; 12Fold; legend of five rings(?!?)
@KoBunny @JulieSqveakaroo @mawr This reminds me so astonishingly much of my old friend Marl/Marla on Tapestries, I'm almost in (happy) tears. She was a big old grizzled wolfladytaur. Her disposition was "sweet fluffy jaded old auntie" but her profession was "military demolition equipment." She would charge into battle with TWO WRECKING BALLS ON CHAINS and target enemy infrastructure instead of people. :O Y'all would've loved her.
zebra-handling; 12Fold; legend of five rings(?!?)
@JulieSqveakaroo @zebratron2084 @KoBunny bless you, you beautiful being. :DDDD