@ShugoWah@snouts.online I'm happy to double-check but: Quake 2 has the mode you describe and also a mode that's basically dual stick aiming but with the d-pad instead of the left stick. (Though if you count that, you could also argue for Turok on the N64)
I believe Medal of Honor has it as default with no weirdness, though
@KommaChameleon @ShugoWah if Turok counts with the c-buttons as a second stick, then it'd beat GoldenEye by a few months, though I'd argue that's cheating.
@earfolds @ShugoWah@snouts.online Yeah, if we take out the 3D requirement then there are a lot of other examples. Robotron is the earliest I know using two digital joysticks, and there are even some earlier examples like Nintendo's Sheriff (Oct 1979)
@KommaChameleon @ShugoWah robotron 2084 had the control style without actually being an fps, but i'm pretty sure it was some kind of inspiration to those that followed