Someday this anti-bot sentiment will no longer be copacetic. Robots will be people. You think we got problems?
@Fuego My guess is we have a few years yet. But who knows? What happens when the Google AI joins Mastodon? (It'll probably come down to manners. Is the bot polite? Or fun and snarky? That would go well, methinks.)
@L I think I have some requirements that it be emergent based on fitness criteria and not algorithmic? And I'm thinking we've got at least a decade being generous but still...
Really though I don't want to hang out with the egregore of a company that sells identities :/
@Fuego Yeah, what's the line between simulacra and actual intelligence? We're going to have to define our terms, and our tools for that are still pretty sketchy.
@L hrrmnn. Good point. I should start thinking about where that line is... I have friends that identify this way now but I'd say a markov chain doesn't count as people? Where do you think that line is? Ahhrg. I don't even want to be talking about making this decision....