uspol related, twitter related anger
Also could we please not repost shit from the fucking Lincoln Project?
They're fucking Republicans. THEY MADE THIS HAPPEN. I no longer trust them not to have some completely profit minded, probably racist motivation, for opposing the horrifying thing they were happy to create.
And I refuse to be the Compassionate Kike, the Polite Faggot, and the Good Patriotic Leftist who will mouth the platitudes these vicious creatures WANT us to mouth.
re: uspol related, twitter related anger
Was the Republican party somehow less innately bigoted, voter-suppressing, theocratic, anti-environment, and profiteering prior to 2016? Admittedly the equivalent of hemorraghing blood anally is one hell of a symptom, but Trump is the symptom, not the disease.
Am I somehow expected to swallow that NOW they're the good guys?