I'm sure that with any new technology AI isn't JUST bullshit to put living humans out of work, but has amazing potential for landlords to make money, and for police to deduce that they should hurt Black people and protesters more, because that's what technology exists to do in this society, right?
@frost actually I was wrong, it's not protesters or necessarily Black people
@Leucrotta oh wow fuck they're ACTUALLY DOING THIS CRAP? I didn't know you were talking about an ACTUAL THING.
Yikes. Because of course it's a /great/ thing to codify the "oh well they LOOK HOMELESS therefore they're BAD PEOPLE!". And/or using this on surveillance cameras to try and specifically target them even more...
I just. Fuck.
@frost I didn't know, I was guessing (anything facial recognition traditionally has issues with Black people, and drones etc have been used to harsh protesters)
so I was completely surprised that they were using this resource-intensive bullshit to fuck with dudes who own what, a sleeping bag, a spare parka, a vape with extra cartridges if you're lucky?
@Leucrotta Yeah, I bet the point isn't to actually do anything useful.
I bet the point is "they're DIRTYING our PERFECT CITY and we can't have THAT!!".
@frost the purpose is the same as it always is, it's a fucking grift and if it doesn't work/wastes money/works great for nothing actually useful, who's gonna question it?
@Leucrotta yeppp.
@Leucrotta "see it has REAL USES!!"