@Leucrotta "see it has REAL USES!!"
@frost actually I was wrong, it's not protesters or necessarily Black people
@frost I didn't know, I was guessing (anything facial recognition traditionally has issues with Black people, and drones etc have been used to harsh protesters)
so I was completely surprised that they were using this resource-intensive bullshit to fuck with dudes who own what, a sleeping bag, a spare parka, a vape with extra cartridges if you're lucky?
@frost the purpose is the same as it always is, it's a fucking grift and if it doesn't work/wastes money/works great for nothing actually useful, who's gonna question it?
@Leucrotta yeppp.
@Leucrotta Yeah, I bet the point isn't to actually do anything useful.
I bet the point is "they're DIRTYING our PERFECT CITY and we can't have THAT!!".