@Leucrotta Just made it home. Today was... a long day.
@Leucrotta Also our back hurts 'cause we didn't find the handlebar adjustment until we got to the BART leg of the trip home, heh. :3
@Leucrotta Also! It turns out riding a scooter is a GREAT core muscle workout, because of the balancing!
@Leucrotta Scooter is plugged in. I wanna SCOOT PLACES tomorrow!!
I bet we could go to the lake on this thing. And if we miscalculate and run out of battery, there are buses. :3
@Leucrotta Sounds like it's a 15 mile range. So, 7 miles ish + 7 miles back.
@Leucrotta And hey, it's 7.3 miles to the coffee shop!
Bit close, huh.
@Leucrotta Hey what if we take the charger and recharge AT the coffeeshop. :3
Assuming they don't get annoyed at us for some reason. (I looked at the charger and it seems to be <200W, so that's something. Still more than a laptop, but not crazy.)
@Leucrotta Uhhh! No clue, but after all the riding around we did, it still had 4/4 bars when we got home!
It's a Glion Dolly 225.