honestly realizing that fatigue is a real thing and would be for anyone. It's just all my issues can make everything feel worse/require more recovery time, and more important fucks with my perception of time and therefore hope. Hard to see a better future - even if that's a much more comfy time on an insanely personal level in a few hours - if enough difficult stuff has just piled up.
@Leucrotta 'Overwhelmed' & 'exhausted' are a frighteningly potent duo that go hand-in-hand.😖
One can quickly lead to The Other, making the next Molehill you come across into your Last Straw.😞
Sad to hear about the shitty stuff piling up for you, friend; I really hope you're able to make time & space for the soft creature of your body to rest & recover as best it can.♥️🫂