okay, now that I've washed my new set of underarmor/balaclava I tried it on to make sure it still fits which it does of course, but it looks like I'm doing a bad cosplay of Danger Diabolik, one of the best movies ever made
and the Beastie Boys loved it, so I'm in good company!
@arakin I didn't know they'd ever rebooted it? I love love love the original for just having more of a sense of fun than most action/espionage films. Body Movin' used to be my soundtrack for folding laundry, at least in part, for a while there - no particular reason, just being uptempo.
@Leucrotta yeah, the three new films are really available here in Germany as mediabook editions, but with no English language at all.
The KJB crew either ended up watching with badly auto- translated subtitles or without
@Leucrotta and yeah the original film was a delight. His lair, the copy-pasted E-types, and once favourite bit was the use of a bend in the road and forced perspective model to have the car enter the secret hatch 😁
@Leucrotta Once you get it on, you've got to get that Body Movin' 😁
Danger Diabolik was a film I'd never heard of until the Kill James Bond podcast crew reviewed it - then it was a must-watch for a Wednesday night.
The first of the rebooted films was also well received by them, though the sequels to those less so, so I'm tempted to watch that, tho finding good quality English subtitles is apparently difficult