I'm glad to have figured this out; the website verged on completely unusable for me without it.

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OK, I figured out how to auto-expand messages on awoo: the option in the inline settings (clicking on the gears) don't work, but if you click on "User preferences" there, it takes to you a separate page that has a functioning option.

web apps were a mistake

I have the awoo setting to "automatically unfold content warnings," but it doesn't appear to work.

Aiun boosted

I have a suspicion that a lot of cishet men are shy and reticent about challenging gender norms because they have this internalized idea that it isn't their lane. Go for it, yo. You have the best armor rating. Tank.

politics, religion, abortion, monocle-polishing 

One might think, I guess, that discoursing under the fully consistent belief that every abortion is 100% a murder of a person would make you toxic. After all, virtually every politician runs away from that. Mother Teresa didn't, but we can't all be her, right?

But it's actually Moldbug style: "swallow this one hard pill -- if you do that, I'm reasonable. Look, I even have good Syria takes!"

(Fortunately I'm spoiled for good Syria takes)

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politics, religion, abortion, monocle-polishing 

Found some 2000 ass IQ catholic on twitter who spends a lot of time justifying abortion as not inherently misogynistic, is fully consistent about the whole "yes it's really murder" and then is just... weirdly silent about contraception.

I went through hundreds of tweets. Had to go to his website to find out he has the contraception take you'd expect (i.e. the one that makes women more vulnerable.)

The man is good at marketing himself.

t.o.t.d.: the esperanto flag being green and white is consistent with mtg color theory

my ultimate goal is to be able to afford (financially, emotionally and spiritually) to turn off my internet, destroy my phone, and live approximately like a 167% queerer william vollmann, writing my shitposts on a macbook and sending them to all of you via flash drive

the dragonbarn
you ignite it, you buy it

Aiun boosted

transhuman arglebargle 

any Singularity that is unevenly distributed is not the True Singularity.

if post-Singularity benefits are not applied equally to all humans aware and interested of its benefits across boundaries of nation, economy, race, class, belief, background, ability, society and gender; it is a False Singularity and must be rejected.

all h+'s have a responsibility to appropriate and redistribute any and all resources of a False Singularity with the aims of creating a True one.

Hisa being "I could write a book on this stuff" level wise. As usual. awoo.space/media/rcMSncYU4xmsG

Tried to just dive into the full game on Ironman (as Scotland) before completing the tutorial. Things went fine for a while, and I even pulled off a couple of clever things, but I quickly ran into a problem with factions.

Aiun boosted

What happens when one dragon creates another dragon using magic?

Cute as fuck cuddlepiles happen aaaaaa.

why are all these random people on the other side of the planet hostile to my peasant revolt

somehow I don't think I'm getting any help from high chief borç of azov tho awoo.space/media/gFvowFfklfq9V

Someone declared a peasants revolt, this is awkward
Can I just... I'm tempted to let them win. I like peasants

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Okay no kings in real 1066 had to google how to send somebody a gift

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I didn't get the marriage achievement because tutorial scenario I guess. I kind of want to quit out the tutorial scenario now bc that's cheap but I guess maybe it'll teach me how to fight?

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Okay I got married and assigned council jobs and stuff
honestly I kind of know how to do this from youtube but if someone tries to fight me I'll be hopeless

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The game crashed while I was staring at the map
I am already getting the authentic experience here

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