A significant portion of my basement is clutter free, thanks to timely mammaldrake intervention earlier today. @PhoenixTril is a magnificent task enabler. n.n
@JulieSqveakaroo @PhoenixTril The nest appears undisturbed, beyond bunmom remodelling a little at the entrance and exit. n.n We're taking the doggos out for walks until the buns are grown and off to college, instead of risking Terrierrmagerddon if one finds them - and I'm leaving them alone too, bunmom doesn't need the worry or flashbulbs. We just had the lawn resodded, but the part they're on is mulch on dirt - never chemicals, no mowers, shielded and quiet. Safe as can be. 💜
@Momentrabbit @PhoenixTril How are the bunnlettes?