[1.Ch.] MH
I wish I'd documented all of my bouts of crying over the last six weeks. No, I'm not presently, just thinking about how I wish I had documentary evidence of my emotional state. It's been really bad in here for a while, and I've fought really hard to say nothing for fear of sounding like I'm lashing out, but now I'm looking back and wishing I'd written down how bad it felt at the time.
[1.Ch.] MH
@orrery *offers a hug, for what its worth. At the very least, he's absorbant*
[1.Ch.] MH
@Momentrabbit *trills quietly* They have been, far more than I've been comfortable discussing. Right now I feel as if my words have become Part of the Problem(TM). I feel as if something's infested all my inkwells.