A few of my OC's are dual-gendered and were created that way. At the time, I just labeled them as 'herm'. It was a term I learned about 2 decades ago based on some of Plato's writings about the nature of man, discribing beings of two halves... some M/M, some F/F, and some M/F.
Being online wasn't a thing for me back then, so I just pondered these ideas on my own, and really enjoyed the concept of a being having multiple genders/partitions, and that was around the time of my shattering, so it was a good part of the manner of thinking as I pulled myself back together.
So, I more or less took on the internal pronoun-identity of 'herm' based on that line of logic, more to the point I took on multiple selves of differing genders and non-genders, and that was the best catch-all term that I had been exposed to.
When I drew and scripted the OC characters in qvestion (Julie, Val, HarleyGato, etc...), herm was a natural fit, and no one gave any indication that it was problematic.
... but, now it sorta is, and I don't want to be offensive in describing them (not that I draw them very often, nowadays), but the term was vastly more self-forming than offensive for me...
... and I'm honestly not sure where or how to progress from here.
I don't see myself as trans, because I don't see myself as one being that could claim that term. I have partitions that are male, female, non-gendered ('shunt' was my term for it), dual-gendered, and gender-fluidic. My philosophy has mostly been that I don't mind what pronoun is used towards me, because there's likely someone in me that would recognize it, and some that wouldn't.
I'm fine with this self-classification and assertion. I don't want to offend anyone else who isn't though, and nowadays that's slightly tricky.
Is "dual-gendered" an acceptable term, by the way, or is that an offense/slur?