@JulieSqveakaroo Yeah. Surveilance cams don't help, either.
@JulieSqveakaroo A few of my most macho coworkers (including my ex-and-still-sorta-manager) pride themselves in being 'weird' and 'kinda different' and 'sorta crazy' in an aggressive kind of way, a 'we're edgy!' vibe... but are alarmingly normcore.
I think of showing them my sketchbooks. My old chatlogs. Introduce them to beings made of light and sound and concepts, of sexes and sensations that cannot exist in threespace meatworld.
They'd fire me in fear.
The thought keeps me warm inside. n.n
@Momentrabbit @JulieSqveakaroo
They seem like the sort who aren't ecen ready for saturday morning cartoon levels of weird
@001zlnv @Momentrabbit That there... is sad.
@Momentrabbit I work with a few comic geeks and gamers... they'd get the references, at least peripherally... and I'm terrified that they'd recognize the style.
@Momentrabbit ... this is true... it's more nosey coworkers, though.