Hey, Toronto retrocomputing environment! I'm looking for a working amber-phospher VT220 or similar: happy to take one off somebody's hands if they have too many, willing to buy if they'd like filthy earth monies.
I'll need one shortly for meditation exercises. Specifically, for Crimes Against Reality. (Honestly, this one isn't even very convincing any more...) Drop me a DM if you've got a lead or suggestion, yeah? New Old Stock preferred, but I'm not picky.
@giantessgnostic Whimsy, more than anything. Establishing a Known Good Point in earth history of personal and retrocomputational signifigance, and then establishing an alternative timeline out from there, on the hardware that should have come into existence. In chronological sequence. A future we could have had.
Or, "Moment is Being Silly In Public Again." n.n
@Momentrabbit Crimes against Reality? What's that?