Instead... because I unearthed a large stack out rough doodles in various stages of half-finished while I was cleaning over the weekend, have an upload of an older WIP!
This was to be a steampunk captain with mechanical sqviddlez for legs/opposable appendages after a haphazard ship mishap of some kind... never completed her beyond the character inks.
I need to be more artistically productive, even if that means old ideas.
@JulieSqveakaroo I should like to stuff my eyeholes with your scribbles until sated, yespls.
In a wholesome and noncreepy way.
In a... *mostly*... wholesome... and noncreepy way.
Ok. Uhm. On further consideration. If we strike the 'eyehole' part, I think I can guarantee 100% noncreepy.
I'm overthinking this, aren't I.
Yes, I think you should do this. I'd love to see some of your unfinished work. n.n
@Momentrabbit ... so... I should do this, is what you're saying?