@Motodrachen in technicality yes but it's a bit of a minefield when discussing whether or not it should include genders strongly tied to cultures
@Motodrachen I had no idea something like that existed! pangender sounds like it might be a good fit, then, since I doubt anyone would get on your case for it here as opposed to tumblr
@Motodrachen oh! that I know about, it's because medical professionals poorly understood the condition and genuinely thought that these people had all their gendered sex characteristics working at the same time ("both" sets working). I could be a bit off, though, haven't read up on intersexism in far too long. either way it's not their place to tell you whether or not you can reclaim a slur used against people like you
@Motodrachen holy crap, I've heard terrible things about what birth control side effects can do to a person but this may just take the cake! I had no idea it could do those kinds of things oh gosh
@Motodrachen I had no idea the human body can react this way! fascinating to hear but at the same time I really hope this stops being an issue for you very soon :'D
@Motodrachen oh that's wonderful!! good luck on your journey to hormonal greatness!!