@Motodrachen in technicality yes but it's a bit of a minefield when discussing whether or not it should include genders strongly tied to cultures
@Motodrachen I had no idea something like that existed! pangender sounds like it might be a good fit, then, since I doubt anyone would get on your case for it here as opposed to tumblr
@Motodrachen oh! that I know about, it's because medical professionals poorly understood the condition and genuinely thought that these people had all their gendered sex characteristics working at the same time ("both" sets working). I could be a bit off, though, haven't read up on intersexism in far too long. either way it's not their place to tell you whether or not you can reclaim a slur used against people like you
@Motodrachen there are plenty of cis people who take hormone supplements, though, so that doesn't make you any less you to do so :0 not sure what the market is like for estrogen supplements, but I know I've seen testosterone supplements at my local drug stores many times before. unfortunately it seems like most of your info on the subject is probably gonna have to come from the trans community though
@Motodrachen oh that's wonderful!! good luck on your journey to hormonal greatness!!
@Motodrachen I had no idea the human body can react this way! fascinating to hear but at the same time I really hope this stops being an issue for you very soon :'D