@irisjaycomics @itsnero (Handing this over to my professional bread-baker partner) Are you looking for like a deli sandwich kind of rye or the more traditionally German hearty breads that you slice thinly? Light or dark? Sourdough or yeast? Do you like caraway or other seeds? Rye doughs are more sticky and much less strong than wheat, don't be surprised by how much more compact they are. Rye flour also ferments more quickly, so it might rise in less time.
@irisjaycomics This should be a good start, the flour or water amounts might be slightly off in cups. One thing we talk about is the ratio of wheat to rye flour, this is about 30% rye. Experiment with replacing some white bread flour with rye flour but note that more rye will need more water. I recommend whole dark rye flour, but a medium rye would work. The sourdough preferment will be quite sticky, the final dough will likely start sticky but get manageable as it's kneaded.