Hey let's all awoo in different writing systems!
Here's ogham!
You wanna do your own runes, @Oneironott? :)
@indi ahhh yesssss I've been trying to learn n.n
@indi yeah! I'm interested in both, actually~
@indi kinda why I've been interested in old irish paganism and whatnot
@Oneironott This is the one I learned from: https://www.amazon.com/Ogam-Weaving-Erynn-Rowan-Laurie-ebook/dp/B01068L3WE/
I like it because it gives a pretty wide swath of meanings for each one, that are drawn from the old kennings rather than getting too hung up on the whole 'tree alphabet' thing.x
@indi i have oolllldddd irish roots so ^.^'