I just saw The Last Jedi and (kinda mtf-ish transfeels, no spoilers)
I cried after we got home because I just saw a movie that told me in no uncertain terms that it's okay to be a woman. And as much as I say that I'm no more a woman than I am a man, that was really really deeply meaningful to me. It was such a good movie, it's in my top three Star Wars films. Maybe top two.
I just saw The Last Jedi and (kinda mtf-ish transfeels, no spoilers)
@green Okay, that's not just me! I had a suspicion that he was FTM when I saw The Force Awakens...
I just saw The Last Jedi and (kinda mtf-ish transfeels, no spoilers)
@green Yes. @..@
I just saw The Last Jedi and (kinda mtf-ish transfeels, no spoilers)
@Soreth it makes the whole scene with Han so much more bittersweet. "what do you expect to see?" "my son." ;_____;