in which Vera details her own exploits in xenharmony
like even just messing around in some pretty basic territory like relatively consonant EDOs that aren't 12 (e.g. 7, 10, 19, 22, 31, 41 and 53 if you're feeling spicy) there's some shit you can just -do- with these things that you really can't with ordinary tuning and vice versa - each system has its own features and limitation and it's really interesting to mess around with that and see what you get if you ask me
in which Vera details her own exploits in xenharmony
@chimerror Honestly? I don't think it's gonna be quite either - xenharmony has *definitely* been getting more popular lately on one hand, but on the other while I don't see it replacing the ol' A440 12EDO outright, I don't see it being a fad either. It'll wax and wane in popularity, but much like the previous big change in music (synthesizers, etc.) it's mostly gonna be yet another tool for musicians to use as they wish.