re: dead spider //?help me ID spider
@mawr nice i was having a panic attack, i remember these things in SD and LA
a small baby one was in my art bag, and i was fuckin out for 3 days
(couldnt busk!!! couldnt work!!!)
because that baby bite the shit out of my thumb
re: dead spider //?help me ID spider
@lugh Aaaa D:
Well I think you're far enough north now that you should be more or less safe from those now at least :D
re: dead spider //?help me ID spider
@ThatDamnCat @lugh
I think that might be a Hobo spider-- they look very similar to the Brown Recluse but so far there's no scientific evidence that they're especially harmful to humans. Brown Recluse spiders usually have larger spinnerets (butts) and the trademark "violin" marking on the top of their abdomens, and this one has neither.
The Brown Recluse doesn't do well in colder climates. They rarely make it as far north as San Jose, let alone Oregon.