@anthracite It's inspirational, though to my ADD-addled brain, it feels like a superpower. Been hard to stick to any project I start. But interacting with people gets me energy, so I guess I should just go where the flow is easier.
@anthracite The fact it also taught me more empathy for the way others can see the world, and I think you'd get what I mean by that, actually really helped. And how to adopt different perspectives on the same problem. Your writing helped that.
@anthracite By the by, wanted to say while I was here.
The Silicon Dawn really helped me in life. I know I've expressed adoration before, but it's really changed a lot about how I see the world and myself, in a good way. I can see in more shades where previously I saw more black and white duality.
(Queen of Cups, Princess of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, and 6 of Wands really appealed to me -- not to say that I don't see magic in every single picture you drew.)