@Azure Even if there was a God, even if he was all powerful, he's still not going to damn well define MY fucking meaning.
I don't believe much in his philosophy anymore, but Camus brings up a great example in the struggle to do the right thing, he pointed out that Spanish Priests in prison refused communion until all the prisoners were treated right. Basically Camus said that they literally put their immortal souls towards Hell in the name of doing the right thing, which he says is something we should emulate if we were to believe in God
Good thing to do if there were a God
Either way, best thing to do is build a better world and be a good person regardless of if there is a God or not
Talk with people, make love, help your community out, teach your kid right and wrong, call out shitty behavior, punch a Nazi, live life beautifully, love your neighbor, and especially of all be big gay
Especially the big gay, I hear the men upstairs don't like that one :P