Well, two initial thoughts:
1) The HDMI mini adapter has apparently gotten permanently stuck/fused into the slot on my GPU. I hope I didn't damage anything while trying and failing to remove it >,<
2) The amount of dust in the computer is not as bad as I thought it would be, though there is still a lot
Well, I got it mostly clean before the canned air started running out out. Just booted up and everything seems to be working.
Of particular note, my GPU's baseline running temperature appears to be 20 degrees cooler than normal (in fahrenheit). CPU seems to be running 5-10 degrees cooler as a baseline.
@Zauberin Viv/Yari: pretty impressive for someone who is 10cm tall :3
Good work!
@Vyzie hehe ;3
@Zauberin She's a bit dirty!
Took a photo of the interior of the computer before I started working