I have a guest post on "IF in pop culture" at sub-Q Magazine: https://sub-q.com/author-guest-post-if-in-pop-culture-and-back-again-by-andrew-plotkin/
Be gay, make video games.
trends, but it's exclusively #knuckletats and #gameing
Just sharing this glorious webcomic because it's about 75 times better than how I had remembered it.
Also, a reminder: Wolverine is ridiculous.
Here’s me talking about how games can tell stories, why Twitter was bad for my creative process, and my hopes for the future https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qkLkZaYSSYU
Macs are "user friendly" in that they simplify things by not bothering to show any "complicated" information to someone who wouldn't know what it means. To anyone who would find that information useful, it's the exact opposite of friendly.
Best of all, most chapters of the _Queer Bible Commentary_ also engage the most important old-school traditional “critical issues” for the books they engage, so I can use QBC as the students’ _only textbook_, instead of as “side reading.”
Each chapter of QBC is by a different author so there’s that many different perspectives on what it means to queer biblical texts.
Wow, the _History is Gay_ podcast is really good.
Three eps in, and they’ve had queer pirates, queer monks & nuns, and queer imperial-China aristocrats.
Each ep also gets into how sex & sexuality are perceived in these times and places, so you get a lot of context.
And, the whole approach is affirming and fun.
He/him. I teach academic Hebrew-Bible studies in grad school, and like Korean martial arts & interactive fiction.
I am also @anummabrooke