drew this quick piece of Twitter user @KorpsPropaganda's character Audrey last night/this morning as a cooldown/warmup (in exchage for the RAD PICTURE OF SYBIL she drew me the other day-- https://twitter.com/KorpsPropaganda/status/1028538187881185280). Audrey has a variety fun pack of psychic powers, including the ability to erase herself from enemies' perception. useful! #korps
@distressedegg "But Egg, where can _I_ go to learn more about supervillainy, mind control, and whether a future with the Korps, either as a member or one of its 'recruits', is right for me?" #korps
@orrery IRL answer: think up a character (or a Korps iteration of an existing character) and jump right in! you can kind of get a mission statement for what the whole project is about here: https://twitter.com/KorpsPropaganda/status/1024845734640640001
narrative answer: just stay riiiiight there, we'll get someone out there to help you REAL soon~
gonna start tagging all my Korps toots with #korps, btw, on the possibility that there are a few of my watchers who might be getting sick of all this incessant supervillain goofery, lmao