Trance; life; clubbing
Though I wouldn't go as far as saying trance music /saved/ my life, it's definitely a lifeline for me.
I discovered it as soon as I started discovering good music, and alongside many other discoveries in college, when I finally had room to expand myself into that wasn't space taken up by all the things my parents wanted for me.
Trance music can be a communal tribal experience, a connection, a wonder.
Except in America apparently.
Trance; life; clubbing
I've been going to clubs to dance to DJs I recognize (largely in trance) since the late 90s.
All I've ever really seen is that club owners and promoters have been trying to push a very specific commodified experience, rather than the rave culture. And I stil lament that I only came into this music on the waning end of raves.
I've never been to a Massive, or any big weekend-long dance festivals that replaced them. Wondering if I should. Because clubs are... not doing it.
Trance; life; clubbing
This is what fuels my drive to do some small-scale DJing. Heck, maybe larger-scale eventually. Cons have shit music (to me) too, and being even just a furry con DJ would be nice. (If the cons weren't all run by the same local cliqueish furry DJ conglomorate).
I can at least play it myself, if nobody else will. I don't have a club or a fancy lighting set... but I am sure as hell more queer than anything downtown. :-}