Twilight-zone-esque curse idea
You get cursed to literally see the truth.
This ruins all modern media. Every digital manipulation is transparent. You can no longer see CGI. Anything shot with a green screen, you see only the people and the green screen itself. Any motion capture rig you just see instead of the character it represents.
Animation is an almost entirely blank screen. Oddly enough, though, older traditional animation (sequential photographs of cels) work just fine.
Practical special effects still work, so for example the original versions of the Star Wars films are good, but the prequels and even sequels are almost unwatchable. Rotoscoping still seems okay.
You become an expert on films shot in the 80s on back.
Self promotion; music
I did a set last night for furries to dance to! And I recorded it!
Here's the link if you want listen! :-)
Game dev lament; filk of sorts
"You code sixteen gigs, whattaya get
another day gone and deeper sleep debt
I'm makin' big money but I can't spend a dime
Workin' eighty hours a week mandatory crunch time"
(taking off of ehich inexplicably made it into the Fallout 76 radio soundtrack.)
* Disclaimer: not a game dev myself.
Hey @mawr @Oneironott : tattoos for P L U S H
. :-D
You know, I fail at social media. I had this whole set uploaded from the Bark Loud Speakeasy event with FetchNW, and I think I forgot to share it here!
So... a month late, here it is!
This is really interesting tech! (and yes, the name is nice too. :-P )
Dream-based story seed
A 'magical [girl] squad' setup, except after the show has ended.
Someone stumbles on a ship that was once the headquarters of such a squad. The Big Bad has long since been defeated. The AI mission-giver in the ship is a bit loopy and without purpose. It wants new recruits, now that it's woken back up, but it doesn't know what for.
There's technology (magic) just laying around the ship that's vastly more advanced than anything on this entire planet.
The first discoverer, a social psych graduate student in a university, comes back the next day with friends. Students from behavioral psych, computer science, physics, engineering, and anthropology. They form a squad of six, get the usual costumes and powers--and completely ignore them, getting to work on very different projects.
The compsci major analyzes the ship's computer system and figures out what there is that can be hacked into. The physics and engineering majors try to reverse-engineer the high levels of technology and try to find uses for it. Anthropology gets to work out how human culture across the planet would react to the introduction of near-miraculous technology--and how to release it in stages without letting on where it's coming from. The social psych gets to wrangle everyone and be the 'team leader'. And behavioral psych gets to play therapist to a neurotic AI, easing their madness and convincing them of their mission.
They proceed to change the world, without fighting.
New artwork! Meet "Disco Dingo". :) Inspired by #Ubuntu release 19.04. #art #illustration #mastoart #psychedelic
hair selfie; eye contact; final
Better shot at home, once I could comb to one side. Shows off the blue tips!
hair selfie; eye contact; cont'd
Phase 2: tinfoil hat and appropriately-colored mind control helmet.
plurality: Phoenix, Otter, Kobold Toy
gender: Plural/Neutral
pronouns (Birb): she/her or they/them
pronouns (Ott): he/him
pronouns (toy): ve/ver/vis or it/its
Trans enby, creative self-made synthetic. Artist, DJ, writer, symbol-engineer, glow-aesthete. Cosmalia curator and story-peddler.
Known syncosms: Halcyon, Deion, Downwarp, Oneiropolis, the aether, the Toybox